Ravishing Radish DIY for Kids Growing radish in 25 days

Growing radish in 25 days

With Easter just around the corner, get the kids excited and outdoors with this DIY Ravishing Radish growing project. Did you know? Radishes are ready to harvest in only 25 days! Making them the perfect hiding spot for those secret treats and treasure quests. Radishes are also loaded with fabulous vits and mins. When transformed into candy radish apples, they become the perfectly disguised veggie sweetie.


Planting Radishes
  • Prepare a loose, nutrient-rich soil bed for the babies in a sunny spot. Veggie compost is available at your GCA Garden Centre, where you can also purchase radish seeds.
  • Sow the seeds directly into your beds by popping a seed on your finger, then gently pressing it down into the soil about half a cm deep. Cover the small holes by sprinkling soil over the top.
  • Water lightly once sowed and continue to water daily. Make sure your soil doesn’t dry out completely, but doesn’t stay muddy either.
  • After just 3 weeks, you can check the progress of your radishes by unearthing some of the top soil to see the gorgeous bulb.

Top tip: Pull younger radishes for crisp roots and a milder flavour. After 20 days, pull one out and test it for yourself. Radishes left in the ground too long will be very hot and pithy in taste.

Grow radish in 25 days
Growing radish in 25 days
Growing radish in 25 days
Growing radish in 25 days

Candy Radish Recipe


  • 12 washed and dried radishes
  • 12 long skewer sticks
  • 3 cups of sugar
  • Half a cup of light corn syrup
  • 1 cup of water
  • Half a teaspoon of red food colouring
  • A sheet of baking paper



  • Combine the sugar, corn syrup and water in a heavy-bottomed saucepan over medium heat.
  • Bring it to a boil and cook the mixture until it reaches 150°C (the hard crack stage).
  • Remove the candy mixture from the heat and carefully stir in the red food colouring.

Put the hop-petti-hop back in your garden this Easter DIY Rustic Bunny


Easter is on its way! Even though the holiday has different meanings to different people, most still decorate with bunnies and eggs. Get into the festive Easter spirit with our gorgeous rustic bunny. It’s also a great project to keep little fingers busy outdoors while enjoying our beautiful Autumn weather.

What you will need

  • Log or 8 x log slices of various sizes
  • A chain saw, or hand saw if you have not purchased sliced logs or disks
  • Drill and screws
  • Wood glue

 Log slices required

  • 2 big disks for the body
  • 1 medium sized disk for the head
  • 2 long ovals slices for the ears
  • 2 small ovals/circles for the feet
  • 1 small disk for the tail

You can buy pre-cut log slices at your local GCA Garden Centre or take the family for an adventure in your garden to salvage a fallen branch.

How to assemble your Rustic Bunny
Step 1
  • Start by drilling two holes into the bunny’s body to attach the feet to each disk
  • Apply wood glue around the holes, leave to dry for a few minutes
  • Then tighten the screws to secure the bunny’s feet to the body
Step 2
  • For this next step, choose one side of the mounted body and foot wooden structured
  • Add the small disk as the tail to one of the bunny’s body and a medium disk for its head
  • Repeat the process by drilling two holes for each body part, apply the wood glue and drill in the screws.
Step 3
  • Stand your bunny’s body upright to see if it balances on its feet. Join the second side of the bunny’s body at the base of the head, by drilling 2 holes, securing with glue and tightening the screws.
Step 4
  • Lastly drill holes and fasten the ears and voila, you have a DIY Rustic Easter Bunny ready for your Easter-themed garden.
