December in the Garden Let the festivities begin

After a year of “busyness” and hard work, there is nothing better than relaxing with friends and family over the holidays. Let your guests appreciate your garden with you as you soak up the sun and enjoy a braai or two. Many of your seeds that you sowed in August will be ready to harvest, including watermelon which is fantastic to incorporate in your festive entertainment menu. Get creative with the flowers that are blooming in your garden by making your own table arrangements – make an extra one to give your guest as a gift to take home. Visit your nearest GCA Garden Centre for some great ideas and supplies.
What to Sow:
Carrots are a great option to sow during December. They are fairly easy to grow and do best in deep sandy loam or loamy soils with a loose structure.
- Sow the seeds directly in the beds
- Make small furrows one fingernail (1cm) deep and about two or three hand widths (20cm to 30cm) apart
- Sow the seeds about 2cm apart in the furrows
- Water the beds well after sowing
- In hot, dry weather, cover the rows with a thin layer of grass clippings until the seeds emerge after seven to 14 days
- Remove the grass and spread thinly between the rows

What to Plant
Barberton Daisies (Gerbera jamesonii) originate in South Africa and are found in many different bright colours from hot pink to orange to white.
- They are best grown outside, favouring direct sunlight and sandy soil.
- They grow well in both pots and garden beds and should be fertilised monthly from September until March.
- They make excellent patio plants and also work well as an indoor plant to brighten up your living space.

Eggplant (Solanum melongena), also known as aubergine or brinjal, come in a variety of sizes, shapes and colours.