“Catch us in your Inbox” Competition
(Social Media competition)
This competition starts on 30 March 2020 and will run for a period of 3 (three) weeks and will end on 20 April 2020.
This competition is open to all active Life is a Garden Facebook, Instagram and Twitter followers, all consumers who visit GCA Garden Centres, who are South African residents, are 18 years and older and whose address is a physical or postal address within the borders of the Republic of South Africa.
This competition is a promotion of Life is a Garden newsletter by means of awarding – 3 prizes, a gardening 101 hampers to the value of R 1000 which will be delivered to their nearest GCA Garden Centre. Major cities in South Africa only.
No director, employee, agent or consultant of Life is a Garden, South African Nurseries Association, VISIBILITI (Pty) Ltd and any sponsor, or their spouses, life partners, business partners or immediate family members, or the supplier of goods and services in connection with this competition, may participate in this competition.To be eligible to be entered into the draw, entrants need to send us their details before the end of the competition on the 20 April 2020.
VISIBILITI (Pty) Ltd shall not be liable for the failure of any technical element relating to the competition that may result in an entry not being successfully transmitted or processed.
The winner will be notified via e-mail or telephone within one week of the draw having taken place. In the event that any of the winners cannot be successfully contacted following all reasonable attempts to do so, VISIBILITI (Pty) Ltd reserves the right to draw another winner in substitution after the initial selection had taken place.
Any prize not taken up for any reason within one month of the date of the drawing of such prize will be forfeited. A prize will be delivered to the winner nearest GCA Garden Centre by the prize sponsor by means of courier.
No substitution, assignment or transfer of any prize is permitted, and no prize may be exchanged for any sum of cash or another form of consideration.
Each winner understands that the winner has no intention of using the prize for a particular purpose other than the purpose for which the prize is ordinarily used.
The names of any winners of a prize may be published on all Life is a Garden’s social media profiles (Facebook: www.facebook.com, Instagram: @lifeisagardensa and Twitter: @lifeisagardensa) and may be publicly released in any other format.
Winners may be required to participate in Life is a Garden’s monthly publicity campaigns, which may include, but is not limited to print or broadcast media and to further allow their names and likeliness to be used by Life is a Garden for promotional purposes in any publicity campaigns. Winners are, however, entitled to decline such a request expressly. Where winners consent to take part in Life is a Garden’s publicity campaigns, they will not be entitled to any remuneration for such participation and all materials used in and arising from such participation will be the sole property of VISIBILITI (Pty) Ltd.
This competition does not alter or purport to modify any term or condition relating to any existing or digital or print subscription.
All entries and results will be audited; and all draws will be performed by our auditor, Sophia Botha.
By agreeing to accept any prize a winner accepts and agrees to abide by these rules.The judges’ decision will be final and binding, and no correspondence may be entered into.
Any queries regarding the handing over or delivering of prizes may be addressed to the Brand Manager Life is a Garden, Shahnee Stockigt, during office hours on telephone number 073 297 25 90or via e-mail info shahnee@lifeisagarden.co.za) from 08h00 to 16h00 (excluding Saturdays, Sundays and public holidays).A copy of these rules can be found on Life is a Garden’s Facebook page (www.facebook.com/lifeisagardensa/) throughout this competition or may be obtained from the Brand Manager of Life is a Garden at the details provided.