DIY Pot-posh Birdbath

We’re obsessed with birds – watching them frolic in the garden, discovering new species in the area, looking forward to returning friends, and enjoying the feeling of fulfilment from helping to care for our wildlife. This DIY is an easy, economical solution to a fancy birdbath, allowing you to go as sophisticated or simple as your budget allows. In addition, Life is a Garden’s pot-posh birdbath gives the DIY enthusiast a real time to shine as there are so many ways to play, design, and decorate. Before we begin, let’s talk about the fabulous featured elephant in the room – birds!


Birds with benefits
  • Conservation is everything: First and foremost, as gardeners, we have the power to take conservation into our own hands. Become a wildlife warrior and eco-ambassador by providing a much-needed safe oasis for our flyers threatened by loss of habitat.
  • Pest control: Certain bird species will enjoy a tasty snack after their drink. Aphids, scale, mozzies, spiders, flies and other insects are easily taken care of by local heroes such as white-eyes, chats, barbets, thrushes, robins, warblers, shrikes, woodpeckers and hoopoes.
  • Pollination deluxe: Some flyers are excellent pollinators, helping to produce even more flowers in your garden, which in turn attracts other essential pollinators such as bees and butterflies. Our indigenous sunbirds, sugarbirds, and Cape white-eyes are at your service.
  • Weeds away: South Africa’s waxbills, finches, fire finches, canaries and bronze manikins are seed-snacking winners.
  • Property plus: Add value to your property by boasting a colourful variety of wildlife. A bird-attracting garden makes your property more appealing and increases investment value.
  • Education: With so many friendly flyers around, take the opportunity to research your local bird species. Educate yourself, loved ones, and the kids!
  • Stress relief: Be it morning, midday, or at sunset – watching the birds is always a pleasing and calming activity that promotes well-being and decreases stress.
Essentials and instructions for your Posh-pot Birdbath

Your selection of pots and saucers are the first items on the list. These need to be varied in size, depending on the look you are going for. You can either:

  • Create a 2 - 4 tier bath by using the same-sized large pots. The bottom pot goes upside down, the second pot goes right way up, on top. The 2 pots must align at their base, or at their opening, depending on how many tiers you have. Place a large saucer on top of the final pot as the actual bath area for the birds.
  • Go for a multi-stacked look by using extra-large to medium pots, all stacked upside down inside the previous container. Place a suitable sized saucer on the top of the last pot. Sticking with this stacked look, you could even add another smaller saucer inside the larger one. The many-layered pot rims create lots of room for creative designs.
  • Create a fountain theme, beginning with 2 same-sized large pots with their bases together, pot number 2 on top of pot number 1. Place a large saucer on top of the second pot with a medium pot upside down, on top of the saucer. Add a smaller saucer on top of the medium pot, and then place a smaller pot on top of that. You can continue this cascading fountain look using as many descending pot and saucer sizes as you like. See how small you can go for fun!

Superglue, a glue gun, or cement to secure the bases/openings of the pots together. This will add structural integrity to your design and prevent the pots from sliding off one another.

Sand or pebbles to fill your pots where possible. Add some weight to your birdbath and half fill right side up pots with your chosen filler. This will also help protect against strong winds.

Paint and decorations! The kids will enjoy painting pots and having a little creative time outdoors. You may also want to go super pot-posh and use mosaic tiles, glass pebbles, cute stencils for painting, other pot plants, or incorporate rustic elements like driftwood.

Top tip: Visit your GCA Garden Centre and let your creative juices flow. The selection of pots will inspire fun ideas of how you could go about stacking the containers to create unique shapes and eye-catching architecture. Experiment with different pot styles and think ahead of what patterns or pictures you could paint on later that would suit the theme of your chosen structure. Are you a vine-guy or flower girl? A kids’ art exhibitioner or a modern, sophisticated Sally?

DIY BirdBath
DIY Birdbath
DIY Birdbath

Enjoy bringing the birds to your backyard and have some fun with this Pot-posh DIY. Your GCA Garden Centre also has a selection of bird feeders to add to your flyer’s pit stop. Increase birdlife even more by ensuring your garden is pesticide-free. Nurseries are stocked with eco-friendly solutions that won’t deter or harm your friendly garden visitors. Life is a Garden after all, so take the balance into your own hands and watch as your space come to life!


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