Leaf Miner Gogga of the Month

Leaf Miners are the larval (maggot) stage of an insect family that feeds between the upper and lower surfaces of leaves. Their highly visible tunnels can often reduce your crop value. 


Leaf miners tend to be non-descript black flies. The flies do not directly cause damage to the plant; instead, it is the larva of these flies that causes the problems — they createwhiteyellow squiggly lines in the leaves. This is where the leaf miner larva has bored their way through the leaf. Leaf miner damage can also appear as spots or blotches. 

What does this mean for me and my plants?

The larvae burrow into leaves and eat the soft inner tissue, leaving yellow, white or brownish tunnels in the leaf. The tunnelling result can damage and restrict plant growth, reducing flower and fruit production. The larvae of some species chew through stems, seeds or roots. Host plants include apples, beans, cabbage, citrus, coffee, cucumbers, onions, peas, peppers, potatoes, pumpkins, spinach, tomatoes and other shrubs.

Suggested Action

 Once signs of leaf miner are evident, treat the plant with a suitable insecticide. Visit your local GCA Garden Centre for the best expert advice on the best method of use to get rid of this gogga. Click here for more gardening tips and trends or join the conversation on our Facebook page.

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