Living Mulch Garden Mastery: Living mulch

Life is a Garden invites you to bring your soil to life this March with mulch that’s teaming with both micronutrients and gorgeousness. With our special selection of plants, you can grow living, eco-optimal mulch solutions that will super-charge your soil, save time and money, and increase the beloved biodiversity in your garden.


Know your options  

Depending on your personal style, gardening goals, and landscaping purposes, you may be drawn to using different mulch options in specific parts of the garden.  Which mulch suits your needs best?


Living Mulch Info
Wood chips
Bring your soil to life

Living mulch mimics a forest floor with an ever-growing protective layer of foliage that keeps soil temperature cool in summer and warm in winter. As plants loose leaves, organic, biodegradable matter is added to the micronutrient hot pot, increasing good bacteria and homing insects.

Living mulch is especially advantageous for:
  • Filling large barren areas and beds
  • Creating thriving plant communities
  • Diversifying plant species
  • Protecting edibles in the veggie patch
  • Saving you money as plants multiply
  • Optimal moisture retention
  • Full, lush landscaping
  • Increasing and sustaining biodiversity
Take caution of smothering

Using living plants as mulch means that they will grow, of course. Take caution against accidental smothering of your other crops and adapt your plant choices arrestingly. Here are some tips:

  • When planting living mulch in full sun, hot/dry climates, plant compactly to fully protect the soil.
  • In cool/wet climates (or in shaded areas), plant living mulch with a bit of space between the plants to allow excess moisture to escape and to allow each plant to spread out and access more sunshine.
  • When in doubt, use fewer living mulch plants in the vegetable garden and go for beneficial companion plants that won’t shade out the crop in question or interfere with its root system.

Did you know? Planting legumes that release nitrogen increases soil fertility.

Try these living mulch top plant picks 
  • Mentha
  • Lyssimachia
  • Aptenia
  • Dichondra
  • Erigeron
  • Trachelospermum jasminoides
  • Mazus Repens Blue
  • Sagina Subulata Aurea
  • Sigina subulata
  • Lyssimachiaa green
  • Lyssishachiaa aurea
  • Convolvulus sabatuis blue
  • Dichondra silver falls
  • Dichondra wonderlawn
  • Dymondia
  • Muehlenbeckia Complexa
    Alternanthera yellow
  • Alternthera tricolour
Convolvulus sabatuis blue
Dichondra silver falls

Annual living mulches for vegetable gardens include borage, calendula, nasturtium, and sweet alyssum.

Perennial living mulches for perennial crops include comfrey, oregano, thyme, and white clover.

Top tip: When planting perennial living mulches for ornamental beds, zone them with plants that require similar light and moisture requirements.

Using suitable living plants as mulch is a smart choice for the longevity, biodiversity, and aesthetic value of your garden. Optimise your veggie patch and get all barren spaces filled up and flourishing. Remember to visit your GCA Garden Centre where you can find these plant picks and many more.


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