Planting Seeds in Toilet Rolls

In the spirit of World Environment Day this month, why not practice the three R’s: Reduce, Reuse, Recycle! Instead of throwing away those toilet roll inners, get the kids to use them to plant up some seeds!

What you'll need:

  • Toilet roll inners (Collect as many as you need from home or even friends and family)
  • Seeds (you can ask your nearest accredited garden centre which seeds they would recommend)
  • Bonemeal or Planting Fertiliser
  • Potting soil
  • Scissors
  • Bucket and spade for mixing your soil
  • Water

The kids can either make small toilet paper seed planters with half a toilet roll or bigger ones using the whole roll. Here’s how:

Step 1:

For the small ones, fold the toilet roll flat. Use your scissors to cut it in half and then fold each of the two halves the other way to form a square. 

Step 2:

Cut fours slits in the two small halves, one on each corner of the roll, just less than halfway up. Fold the four corners into the roll. Push to unfold the four flaps from the inside of the roll, so that it forms a base.

For the larger toilet roll, cut multiple slits into the bottom, roughly 2 – 3cm long. Fold these slits into the roll, forming the base.

Step 3:

Now to get their hands dirty! Get the kids to mix the potting soil with some bonemeal or planting fertiliser in their colourful buckets.

NB* When using fertiliser, be sure to check the instructions on the packet for correct dosage!

Step 4:

Fill the toilet rolls about three quarters way to the top and then add a few seeds. Cover the little seeds with a little bit more soil, almost to the top!

Add a little splash of water and make sure to keep your seeds moist.

Depending on which seeds you decided to plant, they should start to sprout in a few weeks! They are then ready to be transplanted into the ground or even a colourful pot!

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