This highly ornamental sedge has 0.8 – 1.5 m tall green stems which are horizontally banded with white stripes resembling porcupine quills, making a bold statement in any watergarden! The stems are topped with small clusters of inconspicuous, brown spikes. Porcupine sedge grows best in moist soil to shallow water no more than 15 cm deep. The variegation is most pronounced on new growth so fertilize regularly to maintain and grow in full sun. Cut back during winter dormancy and leave pot in pond.
Free State Stockists
Gauteng Stockists
Colourful Splendour
Garden World
Keith Kirsten Waterfall Wilds
Lifestyle Home Garden
Nicolas Plants
Plant Paradise
Plant Ranch Centurion
Plant Ranch Germiston
Safari Tuinsentrum
Schafflers Nursery
Mpumalanga Stockists
Fever Tree Nursery
Garden Pavilion – Montana
Ninfa Tuinsentrum
North West Stockists
Countryside Kwekery
Sittig’s Nursery
**Please note that not all stockists will have every plant featured**