Secret Seed Garden

Seeds are all around us, just waiting in the soil to grow. By gathering dirt from several areas, you can grow a garden and see what pops up from those secret seeds.

What you'll need:

  • 3 or 4 scoops of dirt, each from a different location
  • Spade
  • Shoe box lid or rectangular shallow container. We used a drip tray
  • Marker
  • Cardboard strips
  • Plastic bags or plastic wrap
  • Scissors
  • Water

Step 1

Divide the inside of your shoe box lid or rectangular drip tray into three or four sections using your cardboard strips and mark them with a marker.

Step 2

Send the kids on a scavenger hunt to collect several spoonfuls of dirt from three different places. Keep the samples of soil separate.

Step 3

Label each section with the name of the place where you collected the soil sample.

Step 4

Line the lid with a plastic bag that has been cut open or a piece of plastic wrap.

Step 5

Place each sample of soil in the section with its place name. Sprinkle water over the soil in each section.

Step 6

Cover the lid with a piece of plastic wrap or another plastic bag. Seal the cover with tape to create a greenhouse.

Step 7

Set the lid in a sunny window, and check every day or two for signs of any plants growing from secret seeds.

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